Understanding Corporations
When selecting a business structure, the decision you make will have a significant impact on your success. A corporation offers the benefit of shielding you from personal liability and optimizing your tax penalties. If you are considering a corporation for your business entity, we at Nearhood Law Offices, PLC, can provide the legal knowledge and experience necessary to assist you.
Every corporation should have bylaws or rules that guide the company’s internal affairs. Not only are bylaws required, but they also offer protection from future disputes and other challenges.
Dispute Resolution
Disputes often arise whenever there are multiple shareholders. A shareholders agreement can provide a roadmap on how to prevent, minimize or resolve disputes and litigation. In addition, our firm can work with you to resolve disputes internally and with discretion.
Resolving Stock Questions
Corporations are appealing because investors can receive stock offerings. However, you need to ensure that the company complies with state and federal regulations. Our attorneys can assist with regulatory compliance and take other proactive measures regarding stock options.
Avoiding Adverse Tax Consequences
Forming a new business entity presents a multitude of tax considerations. Our advice can help you select the form of entity that is best suited for your particular circumstances.
Advice Tailored To Your Interests
The goals of your corporation belong to you. What benefits you, benefits your company and vice versa. We want to become your legal team to help you resolve your problems before they ripen into conflicts.
Get in touch with us for a consultation with one of our attorneys at our Scottsdale office by calling 480-998-3525 or by emailing us here.