Taking on real estate can be an exciting venture. Finding the right property to purchase may have come together surprisingly fast, or it may have required a lengthy search that saw you weighing different variables to truly whittle down your prospects. As you approach...
Year: 2020
What is a construction defect?
When you hire someone to build a commercial building in Arizona, you want to believe that you will get a safe, reliable structure that meets all the local building codes. Unfortunately, this isn't always the case. Once the building is finished, you might discover...
Terms to consider when negotiating a commercial real estate lease
There is no standard form to follow when it comes to commercial leases. It’s often assumed that terms will be negotiated before the parties agree to a lease. Depending on the marketplace, a lease may primarily benefit the property owner or the person who is operating...
Common estate planning mistakes and how to avoid them
People in Arizona plan for a good retirement and a good life. What many individuals fail to do, however, is plan for a good end to their lives. End-of-life planning is all about getting your affairs in order to designate who will receive your assets and handle your...
The importance of eliminating confusion with an estate plan
An untimely death can be a nightmare for the family of the deceased if there is no definitive last will and testament with designated financial assignment of assets. While many situations in Arizona will merely result in a spouse taking control of all assets after the...
Ways to challenge a tax assessment
Homeowners in Arizona know that a high property tax evaluation can cost them lots of money. It can be tempting to challenge a tax evaluation in an effort to save money. However, without evidence, nothing will come of a legal challenge. In order to successfully lower a...
The advantages of forming an LLC
Going into business a sole proprietor is the fastest and easiest way to get a new commercial venture off the ground in Arizona, but this approach has a major drawback. This type of business structure has unlimited liability, which means that if a sole proprietor can...
Things to consider before buying commercial real estate
Investing in commercial real estate in Arizona can be incredibly profitable. However, no investment is guaranteed to be successful. Before you sign any contracts, you'll need to do some research to ensure that you're making a worthy investment. Here's some advice on...
Common mistakes people make while planning their estate
Planning your estate is one of the best things you can do for your loved ones in Arizona. However, if it's not planned properly, your loved ones might find themselves caught up in a long legal battle. Here are a few common estate planning mistakes you should avoid at...
Why is it important to name someone for power of attorney?
It's not an enjoyable topic to discuss, but choosing someone for power of attorney is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and your family. As you get older, you might start to require a caregiver. Ultimately, you'll need someone who can make...