One way to start a business, if you're not interested in running a sole proprietorship by yourself, is to start a partnership. You work with one other individual and you start the business as co-owners. When doing this, it is important to have a partnership agreement...
Month: March 2022
Why are contingencies crucial when buying real estate?
Before you purchase a home, you want to ensure it meets all the necessary criteria. You can do some of this in the search and viewing stage. For example, if you need a place with three bedrooms, you filter out those with only two. Yet not all criteria are so easily...
How do non-disclosure agreements protect your company?
Businesses use contracts to help protect the company. These contracts can cover a variety of topics. One important point that most businesses can include in a contract, even if it’s a standalone contract, is a confidentiality agreement. Most businesses have...
What is a short sale in real estate?
A short sale in real estate means that a homeowner wants to sell a home for less than they owe on the current mortgage so they can avoid foreclosure. Mortgage companies may lose out on money if this occurs, so they must approve any short sale that occurs. Because the...